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@ Lord-Zachael When we first met, I assumed you were open minded. Accepting all characters as they were, etc. I was wrong, very wrong about you. No matter what evidence and canon facts I gave you about FF7, especially pointing out the fact that Crisis Core basically was "against" the idea of Zerith being more than what it really was, which was a platonic love, and not an eternal one as you and other fans assumed. IGNORING the facts I gave you and just scoffed at them, tell me something who is the real coward here? 

You are a real piece of work, you know. Scoffing at what I give you, and not bothering to read all of my comments. I mean seriously. I'm giving you the pleasure of being open minded about things. And yet you never gave a damn about another person's opinion. 

Best example I can give of you not listening or trying to see things from another person's POV: 

You've said tifa was Cloud's light in KH2, and yet evidence that you purposely ignore, suggest otherwise. When tifa offered to give Cloud her light, its a different color, and when Cloud obtains his inner light, which is a golden color versus her white light effect, and the fact that tifa doesn't make any sort of gesture to give Cloud her light and we don't see Cloud extend his arm out to her, suggests the fact that Tifa never gave Cloud her light, instead his light came from within, and its a completely different color. Of course you would throw logic out the window and ignore my opinion and common sense I try to explain to you. 

It would have taken you at the very least a few minutes to sit down and read those articles chalk full of quotes and evidence that all came perfect sources, which was from the SE staff themselves, of course a fan like you overlooks evidence and would rather cling to the delusional ideals than accepting the actual facts for what they are and considering them. 

Your denial of everything canon is sad and pathetic. Like a real sorry shallow person, you took the coward's way out and blocked me. That was shallow and pathetic. Instead of being a man and taking action, and TRYING to have a civilized conversation, we could have maybe worked things out. Maybe. Now, I'm pretty certain we can't given the fact that we can't seem to hear the other person out without entering world war 3. 

I cannot believe how difficult you are, how difficult is it, to accept the fact that Zack and Aerith were never serious? I mean come on, its from SE and Crisis Core's ultimate sources. I am not pulling these quotes out of my ass, as you most likely assumed I was. The Ultimania is not to be laughed at or scoffed, as well as my opinions, which yes you did ignore my facts and opinion I presented to you. And you did become the shallow person that you are today, by blocking me. Civilized people do not go around blocking others, they try to work things out. I try to help people understand, the facts because you'd be surprised at how many people do not actually know about what either Nomura has said, or Crisis Core. etc. Had to say about said characters. With proper evidence its easier to understand why something the way it is, than what a fan originally thought in the first place. 

I am quite certain you shall continue to be a shallow person, scared of another's opinion to the point that you must block them, because you really can't handle actual evidence and actual hard cold facts presented to you. Sad really. My facts that you kept ignoring over and over again, were never made up, they were legit sources. Now you don't have the pleasure in actually seeing them. "I can and will say whatever I want and not give two cents what you think." And that is the very reason why you are so shallow. Freedom of speech is great and all, but it doesn't hold any meaning if you were to keep ignoring what the other person is trying to tell you. Especially ignoring actual facts like the ones I kept trying to present. 

Your extreme rudeness left me no other choice, but to "stalk" you, since you did after all block me! Remember? How else was I supposed to try to answer back to you? Hm? Do you know how rude you are being when you block a person in the middle of a conversation? Of course you don't. 

"I did not ask for a discussion or a debate so you had no business turning it into one. I don't attack your ideas or try to change you so grow up and respect our differences. You will never change me. 

"Now it's my turn. You are unreasonable, childish, rude, obsessed, and not worth my time. GROW UP!"

I never try to change a person's opinion, simply giving them actual evidence, to consider, and dwell upon, since 99% of the time the fan I meet doesn't know that Nomura said, this, or Crisis Core actually said Aerith and Zack had a platonic love, and not what they assumed in the first place.

Yes you did ask for it, since you blocked me like a coward. As shallow, rude, and scarily obsessed with ignoring people as you truly are, you could have done the grownup thing and talked things out with me, than being childish and doing what I least expected of you. 

Things you must work on: 

1. Be open minded

2. Respect others and their opinions 

3. Learn to not make such rash decisions. Maybe try hearing someone out first and work together with them to reach an understanding. Instead of being rash as you were. 

Hopefully that will help you in the future.  

You're a very unreasonable person, the most unreasonable person I've met so far. And hope to not run into you again. You're right, slowly reading another person's opinion and trying to understand is a huge waste of your time.  It is childish and stupid of you not to accept other opinions. Its childish of you to assume people will automatically eat your every word, when it holds no proper evidence you hypocritically shoot actual facts down. I really hope you learn from all of this and grow up. Grow up and act mature, accept the fact that there are facts that go against what you initially thought. Grow up and learn from your mistakes. You are such a child that needs to seriously grow up and learn to respect others opinions! I blocked you right back, since you are an indecent human being who holds no regards for what others have to say. Typical obsessed Zack fan boy, I've met fans like you before. Your shipping goggles are strapped too tightly, for you to see the difference between facts and opinions as well as accepting different opinions from people. Crazed obsessed fans who adore Zack too much, or Zerith, or any other type of fan out there that is obsessed unhealthily and takes things too far, will never learn to balance facts, opinions and canon evidence, which is the vibe I got from dealing with your BIAS opinions. No matter what I said, it always fell on deaf ears. Try to become a mature adult in the future. Please try. Part of me actually wishes you were a bit mature, instead of an immature radical fan, who doesn't try to understand anyone else's opinion but their own. If you were mature, then maybe just maybe we would have came to a solution and worked things out. But nope. Let's not be mature adults. Instead you made a rash decision and blocked me, and never thought of, "Maybe I should hear her out, maybe we can work on our issues together." Of course, you did the immature thing, and didn't want to even try. I hope you grow up and learn common sense and learn how to listen, really listen to others, than jumping to conclusions and abandoning ship, flat out ignoring people left and right, or quickly shooting down evidence that makes more sense than what you assumed in the first place. Here I thought, I found a mature intelligent human being, capable of being open minded. Unfortunately I did not find no such thing when we met. I was hoping to discuss the remake with you, but sadly, that will never happen. Since you are too immature to handle canon evidence. This whole fiasco could have been avoided, if you did the mature thing and tried talking things out with me, and communicated your issues, and I would communicate mine. Forgive and forget, but some people sadly have to learn hard lessons in life, and I'm afraid this would be one of yours.